In the meantime, let's start the show. Starting with our very first high profile resignation.

Question of principle, Tan Sri Chong? How much has this to do with Musa Aman's alleged corruption practices? Only he himself would know the answer for that.
So what next, you ask? I don't know, a few issues that would be the key for the next few months:
- Sarawak's CM Abdul Taib Mahmud's corruption allegations.
- Johari Baharum's corruption charges.
- Razak Baginda's trials.
- Zulkipli Mat Noor's corruption charges.
- Musa Hassan's war against all the corrupted "leaders".
- Sabah's CM Musa Aman's corruption practices and whether anybody would take action against it.
So why so many high profile corruption cases you ask? Don't ask me, Malaysia's corruption perception index just went up last year. Maybe some of you might want to enlighten me on how the business world works around all these corruptions?
When there's corruption charges, there will be a benefactor and a benificiary. I wonder why all the charges are only against the beneficiary and non on the benefactor. Maybe these benefactors pay more to the authorities to only take charges on the beneficiaries? Don't be surprised, anything's possible.
How are these issues going to proceed. I'm speculating that at some point, Tun Mahathir would step in and disrupt something as well. After all, we know he is not a person that shies away from national issues. The question is why has he not spoken anything on these yet so far? Too many questions too few answers.
Fear the worst! This might be just the start.
p.s. I wish Tan Sri Chong a happy retirement and more time to spend with your family.
- Sabah's Deputy Chief Minister resigns, The Star, 13 April 2007.
If ya follow closely MT site on the Baginda story, there are as much story as my taxi friend can repeat it...
I do have an eye for one case only at the moment. The ex "ACA chief" , Lah Man knows if no "justice" is served, it would be another attack from the opposition.. this case, I presume, heads will roll baby.
Hahaha, fingers pointing etc etc.
I wonder how many of these cases are actually intertwining with each other.
Too bad i'm not in malaysia and dun have a taxi friend to give me all those juicy gossips.
Hmm...doing post grad?
U by any chance knew someone call Kian Hui arr.. senior or peer. MORSE dude
he's my senior?
add me on msn dude
Ohh... thought your peer... coz he was my college mate.
What's ya msn...
on the right ----> hehehe
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