I came across this small little poll on the FT website:

Dei Tan Sri Lim Ah Lek, Chairman of KTM Berhad:
Even the English think that their railway system run worse than those in Europe. By my observations, it's already quite sophisticated already, I can't get to anywhere I want on rail.
Best of all, it's all double-tracked. For the single-tracked part of Malaysia, we still have long way to go man. How can we even play catch up when the first world is progressing at a faster pace than us?
I work in a country where the gdp's higher than m'sia, the economic freedom index's higher than m'sia, but there's still a lack of public transport here, where the only buses you can find are vans! And not to mention, there're not even trains here! But ppl are somehow really happy here, probably abit concerned about the rising crime rates.
But I find the railway system in the UK too expensive when you can use bmi to travel for about the same price.
but with bmi you have to land somewhere at the outskirts of a city whereas with train, you can travel directly into the city. It's expensive yea but it's convenient, that's why a lot of people use it and this justifies the expensive tickets.
btw where are you working? :P
Actually from your blog post i can tell where are u already.
a place where everything is HUGE!!
meaning TEXAS, home of the beloved Bush
yeah, you're right in a way.
...somewhere in the carribeans =)
well, i'm just in texas for business, will be going back soon =)
caribbeans? don't tell me bermuda, i know a lot of insurance brokers relocated there :P
eh boringest how's yr web hosting business coming along? :D good business?
see people exabytes creating a buzz in malaysia u know
so-so =)
we're kinda like non-profit...haha.
thanks for you work and have a good week
When people starts having the right political mindset, things will change, unless everyone is ignorance on the political significance of it.
boringest: non-profit? I don't believe you, btw is it just hosting or does it include domain registration as well? Meaning it's xxxxx.blogasian.com?
david: you too
freethinker: it should be having a more economical mindset right? the right political mindset just makes everything move smoother i suppose.
we just do hosting =)
can't fight the majors with domains.
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